September 04, 2020

Measure your post's effectiveness

By The American Legion

The American Legion’s Post Responsibility Audit form can be used as a barometer to help measure a post’s effectiveness with membership, programs and community activities.

As an American Legion post commander, do you ask and receive feedback from membership about the post and what’s working or not working?

The American Legion’s Post Responsibility Audit (PRA) form can be used as a barometer to help measure a post’s effectiveness with membership, programs and community activities.

There are no precise standards developed to provide both a qualitative and quantitative post analysis, but one must start somewhere, and the PRA form can be used to help measure a post’s effectiveness.
The primary purpose is to indicate how, by evaluating what the post is doing, you can see if it is fulfilling a useful function, attracting veterans and benefiting the community. If an honest evaluation is provided, it will indicate where improvements are most needed.

The PRA form is located on page 23 of the 2020 Officer’s Guide and Manual of Ceremonies, available at under Internal Affairs.

Print out the form, make copies and give to post members. Responses can be anonymous.

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