June 10, 2019

Consolidated post reports are due

By The American Legion

Deadline is July 1.

CPRs due
Consolidated Post Reports document a post’s activities from June 1 to May 31, and are due no later than July 1 to National Headquarters. The 2018-2019 CPR forms can be filled out and submitted online through www.mylegion.org or download the form at www.legion.org/publications under Internal Affairs.

Legacy Run registration
Online registration for the 2019 Legacy Run is now live. Register for the ride at  www.legion.org/riders/registration. The Legacy Run, which raises money for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund, will depart American Legion Post 347 in Lady Lake, Fla., on Aug. 18, and arrive in Indianapolis on Aug. 22 for the 2019 National Convention. Online registration for riders and passengers will end Aug. 11.

Spring Meeting resolutions
During Spring Meetings last month in Indianapolis, the American Legion National Executive Committee passed 30 resolutions. These are now available to view in the Legion’s Digital Archive at  www.legion.org/library/digitalarchive.

Flag alerts
The American Legion Flag Alert e-newsletter provides notification when a flag proclamation is issued by the president to display the U.S. flag at half-staff. Sign up at  www.legion.org/newsletters.

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