Centennial coins will go on sale March 14.
Legion birthday
March 15-17 will mark The American Legion’s 100th birthday. American Legion posts nationwide are planning activities and events to mark the occasion, and are encouraged to share those events on the Legiontown website, www.legiontown.org.
A suggested centennial birthday speech for posts to use during their celebration event is available at www.legion.org/publications under Media & Communications.
Additionally, the 100th Anniversary Media Toolkit contains the centennial speech at three lengths of 15, 10 and 5 minutes of speaking time.
The 100th Anniversary Media Toolkit helps posts, districts and departments celebrate their history by sharing it with their community with easy-to-use media templates, event ideas and suggestions materials. The goal is to get the message out in front of the public, using all media tools available.
Download the centennial media kit at www.centennial.legion.org under “Tools.” Also available in this section is the centennial logo for media usage.
American Legion centennial coins
The American Legion’s three commemorative centennial coins are scheduled to go on sale March 14. To be added to the mailing list for updates, visit www.legion.org/coin. For ordering information, prices and other information as the coins become available from the U.S. Mint, visit www.usmint.gov.
- Dispatch