April 08, 2019

Team 100: Why I joined and renew

By The American Legion

What's your why?

“My father, a proud World War II veteran and Battle of the Bulge survivor, spent his life as a Legion member. He encouraged me to join after returning from Vietnam. Over the past three decades, The American Legion has given me the opportunity to serve my fellow veterans and their families. I often think of the example set by my father and his generation in setting the continuing course of service by The American Legion. I know we will continue to serve our veterans and our nation for the next 100 years and beyond, and for that I am grateful and proud.” 
– Jim Willis, past department commander, Lebanon, Ore., Post 51

“I felt I should become an American Legion member so I could help those who are serving now, by helping watch their backs and be of assistance to their dependents, as was done for mine.”
– Bill Yaeger, Summerville, S.C., Post 400

“I am a Legionnaire because nothing in my life gives me a deeper sense of satisfaction and value than helping my fellow human beings. The fact that I am helping my community and my veteran brothers and sisters is the warmth in my soul and the smile on my face every day.”
– Julie Rhoden, 6th District commander, Granbury, Texas, Post 491 

American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad wants to know your reasons of why you joined The American Legion. And, equally important, why you renew.
As part of his Team 100 campaign, the centennial commander is assembling the thoughts of American Legion members to use in promotional materials to increase membership. Emails to provide your reason for joining and renewing in the nation’s largest veterans service organization may be sent to  dispatch@legion.org.
Ask your friends and fellow Legionnaires. Think of your own reasons. Most important, share with us as we remind everyone the importance of membership and retention.

  • Dispatch