October 08, 2018

Why did you join or stay in The American Legion?


American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad wants to know your reasons.

American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad wants to know your reasons. Why join The American Legion? And, equally important, why renew?
As part of his Team 100 campaign, the centennial commander is assembling the thoughts of American Legion members to use in promotional materials to increase membership. Emails to provide your reason for joining and renewing in the nation’s largest veterans service organization may be sent to dispatch@legion.org.

“I decided it was time to get back to being a selfless service person like I used to be while I was in the U.S. Army,” wrote Adam Shotts of Post 141 in Indiana, Pa.

“I stay in the Legion because I must continue my mission to prove that women provide a valuable service in any military or any Legion position they aspire to,” explained Paula Eyvonne Steinbach of Post 112 in Ontario, Calif.

“We are ready and willing to serve. And we are here to stay!”

“I truly believe our country needs us to do what we do. Camaraderie. The (American Legion) magazine, emails and my fellow members help me and other veterans stay connected and aware of issues that are important to many of us. I enjoy helping other veterans. I enjoy helping children. I enjoy spreading Americanism. It gives me pride to be part of something greater than me alone. We are family!” added California Area 5 Vice Commander Tracy Rascoe.

Ask your friends and fellow Legionnaires. Think of your own reasons. Most important, share with us as we remind everyone the importance of membership and retention.

  • Dispatch