A complimentary copy is sent to all post adjutants; a year subscription is $15 or sign up for the free Digital Dispatch e-newsletter.
Dispatch subscription. At the post level, a complimentary copy of The American Legion Dispatch is only mailed to adjutants. Anyone can subscribe to Dispatch for $15 per year for 12 issues by calling (317) 630-1221.
Or, sign up to receive Digital Dispatch, a monthly e-newsletter sent directly to subscribers’ email inboxes that features stories from the print Dispatch. The e-newsletter features headlines with clickable links to the full stories on the Digital Dispatch web page, www.legion.org/dispatch. Sign up for Digital Dispatch at www.legion.org/newsletters.
Flag Day. Flag Day is June 14, and The American Legion has a guidelined speech available at www.legion.org/publications under Media & Communications. Legion members can use it during their community celebrations or post ceremonies. The annual Pause for the Pledge will take place at 7 p.m. EDT. Other flag resources, such as publications, myths, FAQs and more, are available at www.legion.org/flag.
Samsung American Legion Scholarship. Is your post or unit sending youth to American Legion Boys State or Auxiliary Girls State? Remind them about the Samsung American Legion Scholarship, which awards up to $10,000 for undergraduate studies. For more information and to apply, visit online at www.legion.org/scholarships/samsung.
- Dispatch