July 09, 2018

American Legion news

By The American Legion

Watch the American Legion World Series, register for the Legacy Run and more.

National Membership Workshop date correction. In the June issue of American Legion Dispatch, the dates for the Legion’s National Membership Workshop in Indianapolis were incorrect. The workshop date is Aug. 9-11. 

Watch American Legion World Series. The American Legion’s 92nd World Series is in Shelby, N.C., Aug. 16-21. The first six games of pool play (on Aug. 16 and 17) will be live streamed on www.ESPN3.com. Games 7 through 15 — including the semifinals (Aug. 20) and championship game (Aug. 21) — will be televised live on ESPNU.

Register for Children & Youth Conference. The 12th annual American Legion Children & Youth Conference is Sept. 21-23 at the Sheraton Indianapolis City Centre Hotel. Department Children & Youth chairman are official call-ins, however, all Legion Family members are invited and encouraged to attend. Register online at www.legion.org/cyconference by Aug. 10. 

Legacy Run registration deadline. Aug. 11 is the deadline to register for the 13th annual Legacy Run. The ride will leave Hutchinson, Kan., Aug. 19 and arrive in Minneapolis for National Convention on Aug. 23. Register at www.legion.org/riders/registration.





  • Dispatch