February 02, 2018

Send reasons to join and stay in The American Legion

By The American Legion
Send reasons to join and stay in The American Legion
Send reasons to join and stay in The American Legion

Mmembers everywhere are invited to email their top 10 reasons to dispatch@legion.org.

Anyone who has been a member of The American Legion for some time, or has recruited someone to join, can quickly list a few good reasons to become part of the nation’s largest organization of wartime veterans – and to renew.

The reasons may be national in scope, such as:

  • Strengthens the veteran voice in Washington for a more effective VA health-care system.
  • Keeps the GI Bill updated and relevant for new generations.
  • Provides substantial veteran oversight of congressional committees and agencies.

The reasons may be specific to an American Legion department, such as:

  • Adds to the network of like-minded Legion Family members in my state.
  • Ensures support, resources and training for American Legion department service officers who assist others who served.
  • Builds future leaders through American Legion Boys State and other youth programs.

They may, of course, be local, such as:

  • Young people in my community need Legion mentoring through Scouts, Junior ROTC, Junior Shooting Sports and other programs.
  • Community memorials to those who served before must never be forgotten.
  • The local Legion Riders chapter has a great time raising funds that matter in the community.

And, they may be individual, such as:

  • Camaraderie with fellow veterans and patriotic Americans.
  • The Legion helps me understand my VA benefits.
  • The discount programs are valuable. 

During the centennial year, The American Legion would like to remind eligible veterans and those who have let memberships expire “100 Good Reasons to Join and Renew in The American Legion.” The best of those reasons will come from local posts and members. The multi-media campaign is set to launch in September 2018.

To help, members everywhere are invited to send their top 10 reasons by email to dispatch@legion.org. From those suggestions, the centennial campaign will be designed, fueled by the 100 best reasons from the combined submissions. Reasons should be limited to no more than one or two sentences each, including a specific local reference, if applicable.

As the ideas come in, look for them at www.legion.org, in social media and other centennial promotions as the 100th anniversary of the organization unfolds.

  • Dispatch