June 07, 2016

Did you know?


There are more than 32,000 subscribers to the Legion's flag alert e-newsletter.

Flag e-newseltter. There are more than 32,000 subscribers to The American Legion’s Flag Alert e-newsletter, which provides notification when the U.S. flag is to be displayed at half-staff. And 1,800 flag questions were submitted to National Headquarters in 2015. Subscribe to the flag e-newsletter at www.legion.org/newsletters. For flag questions visit www.legion.org/flag/questions-answers.

VA volunteer. Since Jan. 1, nearly 6,300 American Legion members have participated in the Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) program, donating 186,721 volunteer hours at VA health-care facilities. In 2015, nearly 7,700 Legion members participated in the VAVS program and donated 856,649 volunteer hours – a cost-saving value of more than $19.8 million for the VA. Learn how to become a VAVS volunteer at www.legion.org/volunteers/va.

Spring Meeting resolutions. The American Legion National Executive Committee passed 31 resolutions during last month’s Spring Meetings at National Headquarters in Indianapolis. The resolutions can be viewed in the Legion’s Digital Archive at www.archive.legion.org.


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