Walk for Veterans event raises more than $30,000 for Operation Comfort Warriors.
Legion College: The 2015 National Legion College class of 55 Legionnaires donated $1,600 out of their personal pockets to support the National Emergency Fund – National Commander Dale Barnett’s fundraiser.
Spirit of Service Award: National Guard and reserve members are now eligible for The American Legion's Spirit of Service Award thanks to the passing of Resolution No. 6 last month during Fall Meetings in Indianapolis. The Legion gives the Spirit of Service Awards annually to representatives from the five armed services in recognition of their exemplary efforts in volunteering in their local communities.
Child Welfare Foundation: The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation awarded $640,395 in grants for 2016 to 24 nonprofit organizations. See the list of recipients online at www.legion.org/youth.
Walk for Veterans: The American Legion Department of Indiana's Walk for Veterans event last month raised $30,913 for Operation Comfort Warriors. Nearly 300 veterans, their families and community members participated alongside National Commander Dale Barnett in the 5k run/walk. www.legion.org/walkforveterans
- Dispatch