March 04, 2015




Gary Albers of Lincoln, Neb. Gary Albers of Post 294 (Department of Nebraska) passed away March 8. He was a Korean War Army veteran. Mr. Albers served as department commander from 1997-1998, department vice commander from1994-1996, National Americanism Council vice chairman from 2001-2006, and National Distinguished Guests Committee vice chairman from 1988-1989 and 1998-2001.

William Dunlap of Sandy, Utah. William Dunlap of Post 77 (Department of Utah) passed away Feb. 3 at the age of 76. He was a Vietnam War Army veteran. Mr. Dunlap served as department commander from 2012-2013, department vice commander from 2011-2012, and National Security Council vice chairman from 2008-2010.

Tommy Mills of Indianola, Miss. Tommy Mills of Post 160 (Department of Mississippi) passed away Feb. 15 at the age of 86. He was a Korean War Air Force veteran. Mr. Mills served as department commander from 1971-1972, department vice commander from 1970-1971, National Executive Committee alternative member from 1990-1994, National Veterans Employment and Education Commission member from 1968-1978, National Foreign Relations Council vice chairman from 1984-1988 and 1991-1997, and National Legislative Commission member from 1998-2004.

Henry Sacha of Canton, Mich. Henry Sacha of Post 161 (Department of Michigan) passed away Nov. 10, 2014 at the age of 85. He was a Korean War Army veteran. Mr. Sacha served as department commander from 1993-1994, department vice commander from 1986-1987, National Executive Committee member from 1999-2001, National Executive Committee alternate member from 1997-1999, National Americanism Council vice chairman from 1979-1980, 1996-1999, and 2001-2005, and National Convention Commission Liaison Committee member from 1999-2001.

Carroll Wagner of Gladbrook, Iowa. Carroll Wagner of Post 127 (Department of Iowa) passed away Feb. 20 at the age of 81. He was a Korean War Army veteran. Mr. Wagner served as department commander from 1996-1997, department vice commander from 1990-1991, National Americanism Council vice chairman from 1988-1989, and National Security Commission member from 1997-2010.



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