Richard W. Clark of Malin, Ore. Richard Clark of Post 84 (Department of Oregon) passed away Aug. 27 at the age of 70. He was a Vietnam War Navy Veteran. Mr. Clark served as department commander from 1988-1989, department vice commander from 1987-1988, National Executive Committee alternate member from 2003-2013, National Homeland Security and Civil Preparedness Committee member from 1988-2013.
Donald P. Pemberton of Browning, Mont. Donald Pemberton of Post 127 (Department of Montana) passed away Sept. 11 at the age of 84. He was a Korean War Air Force veteran. Mr. Pemberton served as department commander from 1993-1994, department vice commander from 1992-1993, National Executive Committee alternate member from 1995-1997, National Foreign Relations Council vice chairman from 1993-1994, National Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation region 8 chairman from 1998-1999, National Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation region 8 vice chairman from 1997-1998.
Ivan E. Torkelson of Elgin, Iowa. Ivan Torkelson of Post 352 (Department of Iowa) passed away Sept. 13 at the age of 84. He was a Korean War Army veteran. Mr. Torkelson served as department commander from 1997-1998, department vice commander from 1974-1975, National Executive Committee member from 2003-2005, National Executive Committee alternate member from 1999-2003, National Homeland Security & Civil Preparedness Committee from 1987-1989, National Foreign Relations Commission from 1998-2003, National Internal Affairs Liaison Committee member from 2003-2005, National Security Commission member from 1989-1997, National Security Council vice chairman from 1980-1987.
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