September 18, 2014


By The American Legion


Richard W. Clark of Malin, Ore. Richard Clark of Post 84 (Department of Oregon) passed away Aug. 27 at the age of 70. He was a Vietnam War Navy Veteran. Mr. Clark served as department commander from 1988-1989, department vice commander from 1987-1988, National Executive Committee alternate member from 2003-2013, National Homeland Security and Civil Preparedness Committee member from 1988-2013.

Donald P. Pemberton of Browning, Mont. Donald Pemberton of Post 127 (Department of Montana) passed away Sept. 11 at the age of 84. He was a Korean War Air Force veteran. Mr. Pemberton served as department commander from 1993-1994, department vice commander from 1992-1993, National Executive Committee alternate member from 1995-1997, National Foreign Relations Council vice chairman from 1993-1994, National Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation region 8 chairman from 1998-1999, National Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation region 8 vice chairman from 1997-1998.

Ivan E. Torkelson of Elgin, Iowa. Ivan Torkelson of Post 352 (Department of Iowa) passed away Sept. 13 at the age of 84. He was a Korean War Army veteran. Mr. Torkelson served as department commander from 1997-1998, department vice commander from 1974-1975, National Executive Committee member from 2003-2005, National Executive Committee alternate member from 1999-2003, National Homeland Security & Civil Preparedness Committee from 1987-1989, National Foreign Relations Commission from 1998-2003, National Internal Affairs Liaison Committee member from 2003-2005, National Security Commission member from 1989-1997, National Security Council vice chairman from 1980-1987.









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