November 03, 2014

Kiosk supports commander's 4x4 goal

By Henry Howard
Kiosk supports commander's 4x4 goal
Kiosk supports commander's 4x4 goal

The Legion Family branded kiosk will help raise $4 million and increase membership to four million.

American Legion National Commander Mike Helm didn’t want to single out a Legion program for his fundraising goal during his year-long tenure as national commander. Instead, he included all six of the Legion charity programs, as well as those from the American Legion Auxiliary, in his goal to raise $4 million.

The $4 million in Legion Family charity program donations represents one part of the commander’s 4x4 plan – the other “4” represents four million members for the Legion, Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion combined.

“The goals look lofty, both for membership and fundraising, but in reality we’ll reach those goals together,” Helm said. “If we’re going to be strong, we also need the Auxiliary to be strong, the Sons of the American Legion to be strong and the Legion Riders to be strong.”

To achieve Helm’s 4x4 goal, National Headquarters is releasing new brochures and a kiosk display. All departments will receive one American Legion Family branded kiosk. The kiosk is intended to be used to display up to nine brochures during events, such as membership recruiting functions, job fairs and community events. Posts and departments can choose which specific brochures to display, but they are encouraged to use ones promoting Legion Family membership and charities.

It is the responsibility of each department to coordinate usage of the kiosk with districts and posts that wish to borrow it. Departments, districts and posts can also purchase additional Legion Family branded kiosks through Emblem Sales. To purchase, click here.

With each kiosk purchased, 100 of the following brochures will be provided:

  • A new American Legion Charities brochure that provides an overview of the six programs and includes a donation form.
  • A trifold with membership applications for the Legion, Auxiliary and SAL.
  • The Auxiliary’s foundation brochure that describes its charity programs.

“Posts, units and squadrons that are doing things for veterans and for their community are growing the organization,” Helm said. “Legion involvement at the local level is very important for membership success.”

Helm also believes a strong membership helps drive donations to the Legion’s six charities – Operation Comfort Warriors, Legacy Scholarship Fund, National Emergency Fund, Child Welfare Foundation, Endowment Fund and Soldier’s Wish. Several Auxiliary charities are also a part of Helm’s $4 million fundraising goal, including the Emergency Fund, Spirit of Youth Scholarship Fund, Children of Warriors National President’s Workshop and American Legion Auxiliary Foundation.

“The exciting part about fundraising for American Legion Charities is that you can tell people that 100 percent of all money raised is utilized for the charitable purposes,” he said. “If you give $1 to Operation Comfort Warriors or $1 to Soldier’s Wish, every dollar goes toward the fund that you care about.”

Tax-deductible donations to American Legion Charities may be made by mail or online by visiting:

A donation may be made to one or more programs of your choice. Donations provide: financial assistance to military and veteran families with children at home who are in need; relief for families of veterans who have suffered devastating losses after natural disasters; employment opportunities for transitioning servicemembers through the hosting of job fairs; and representation on Capitol Hill to protect military retiree benefits and to ensure quality of life for military members and veterans; an opportunity for youth to participate in Legion programs such as Boys Nation.


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