Legion news: What you need to know
Purchase updated Chaplain’s Prayer Book. The Legion recently updated and expanded the Chaplain’s Prayer Book, available to post, district and department chaplains. Included are suggested prayers for ceremonies, services and other occasions. To purchase a copy, contact Emblem Sales by phone or online: (888) 453-4466; emblem.legion.org
Honor Four Chaplains Sunday on Feb. 2. Legion posts nationwide are encouraged to mark the 71st anniversary of the loss of USAT Dorchester with memorial services. Among the 672 men who died were four Army chaplains who removed their own lifejackets and gave them to others. www.fourchaplains.org
Dates to remember in January:
- 15 - 80 percent membership target date
Dates to remember in February:
- 1 - Department submissions due for National Law Enforcement Officer and National Firefighter of the Year awards
- 2 - Four Chaplains' Sunday
- 15 - 85 percent membership target date
- Dispatch