American Legion members interested in the discounted Paid Up For Life program can now easily join online:
American Legion members interested in the discounted Paid Up For Life program can now easily join online:
Legionnaires who become a Paid Up For Life member will avoid any future increases to membership dues and will never have to pay annual dues or receive renewal notices. Other benefits include a lifetime subscription to The American Legion Magazine.
Once registered, members can either pay in full or pay in 12 monthly installments. Members may also print a personalized Paid Up For Life application from the web page and mail in their payment. Each Paid Up For Life member receives a permanent plastic card, as well as an annual paper card to verify membership in The American Legion. The annual card is mailed in July of each year.
After a member signs up, his or her respective department and post will be notified either electronically or by mail. The post has 30 days to notify the department in writing if the applicant is ineligible for a Paid Up For Life membership. The department will then notify National Headquarters about why the application was denied.
Posts may continue to process applications on the current paper forms until informed otherwise.
For more information about the Paid Up For Life program: call (800) 433-3318 or email
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