Purchase the Certificate Maker CD online for $9.95
Show your appreciation: For the 2014-2015 membership year, recognize local businesses that fly U.S. flags, Legionnaires who volunteer for American Legion youth programs, Legionnaires with continuous membership, businesses who employ veterans and many others by creating an American Legion certificate of appreciation. Purchase the Certificate Maker CD online for $9.95: www.emblem.legion.org/Certificates/products/160/1/0
Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program PSA: Currently, 17 American Legion departments conduct a week-long Junior Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program in partnership with their state police or highway patrol academy. Cadets learn officer survival techniques, defensive tactics, firearms safety, precision driving, law enforcement technology, accident and criminal investigation, and more. Learm more by watching the Legion's new PSA online: www.legion.org/legiontv
World Series video: Watch how Shelby, N.C., became the permanent home of The American Legion Baseball World Series here.
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