National commander will name 2014 ALR Advisory Committee during Fall Meetings.
The national commander will name the 2014 American Legion Riders Advisory Committee to the Internal Affairs Commission during the fall meeting of the NEC, Oct. 14-17. It is believed that eight members will be named for the committee. Five of the committee members will also serve as regional points of contact for national vice commanders, department commanders and department ALR programs. The committee will also meet online or in Indianapolis to provide input on questions brought before the Internal Affairs Commission.
Committee members and national staff have also provided LEAD and other ALR training and assistance within the departments of Indiana, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, North Carolina, Idaho, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Arizona, Virginia, New Hampshire, New York, Colorado, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Alabama and Vermont. Departments are encouraged to incorporate the ALR LEAD module, which explains responsibilities of post programs like ALR, trademark protection and financial reporting into their training events and conferences.
In other news:
Flag alert: A half-staff email alert was sent for the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service in Emmitsburg, Md., on Oct. 6.
Veterans Day Speech: The 2013 suggested remarks for Veterans Day have been posted on the website and distributed by mail to subscribers.
Membership and DMS Program: The 2014 traditional membership goal is 2,001,806. Membership as of the Oct. 2 membership report is 1,221,288 which is 61 percent of the 2014 goal.
DMS Program 2014: The 2014 Membership Year began on July 1. The first DMS mailing for the 2014 year was completed on Aug. 19. Responses to the first mailing are now being processed. Subsequent mailings are planned for the near future (October, November, and January).
DMS Acquires: 12,556 prospects, 25,236 expires, 37,792 total.
2014 Goal - 101,500 (37.2 percent of goal)
Current Renewal Rate for 2013 DMS Members – 25.9 percent (45,407 of 175,469 new 2013 members)
Online Renewal Activity: 2014 Membership Year Online Renewals since July 1: 118,054
Sons of The American Legion: The Sons of The American Legion membership for 2014 currently stands at 57,106 members or 16.1 percent on Oct. 3. Sons are running 1,745 members behind of this same date last year.
The Sons will be conducting their National Executive Committee meeting Oct. 11-12 at the Sheraton Hotel in Indianapolis. Also, the Sons will be conducting their annual Sons Commanders & Adjutants conference on Oct. 11. In addition, a special training session on parliamentary procedures will be held Oct. 10 for all Sons NECmen and alternates. The meeting agenda has been posted to the Sons web page.
- Dispatch