May 05, 2017

Membership: There's still time

By Charles E. Schmidt, National Commander

Although May 10 was the 100 percent membership target date, you have until June 30 to maximize your recruiting efforts and meet the 100,000 goal.

Upon my election as your national commander, I put the challenge out there for American Legion members to recruit 100,000 new members during the 2016-2017 membership year. As you read this issue of Dispatch, we are more than 40,000 short of my goal. However, there is still time to meet the challenge.

Although May 10 was the 100 percent membership target date, you have until June 30 to maximize your recruiting efforts and meet the 100,000 goal.

We can do this, and our veterans depend on us to. Because nationally, we are more than 100,000 members short of our traditional membership goal for this year, which translates to over $3 million less in national membership revenue. Think of how many veterans, servicemembers and their families need us, The American Legion, and how this revenue can assist them. 

And remember, there are other positive incentives to recruiting. For example, any Legionnaire who recruits three or more members into the Legion is eligible for my “Carry the Legacy Forward” pin. And through, there are resources for you to access to contact members who are either expired, new in the area or in a holding post.

If you are not a registered user of please call  (800) 433-3318 or send an email to

I ask you to remember that if we do not recruit, renew and revitalize than who will be left to carry The American Legion’s legacy forward? It’s up to us to ensure the Legion remains as strong in its second century as it was in its first.

  • Dispatch