October 08, 2012

'Everyday is Veterans Day' pin

By The American Legion

Recruiters to be honored with National Commander's pin.

During the 2012-2013 membership year, National Commander James E. Koutz will award his National Commander pin to any Legion family member who obtains a minimum of three headquarters post transfers, and also obtains an additional combination of 10 new members, renewals and headquarters post transfers to equal a combined number of 13.

A new member is defined as any eligible person joining for the 2013 membership year who was not a member of The American Legion during the 2012 membership year.

Each member listed must be eligible for membership in The American Legion. Please forward names of SAL members or Auxiliary members to your detachment or unit for use in their respective incentive programs.

To maintain the integrity of the National Commander’s pin program, only one pin will be awarded per individual.

Upon receipt of the certification form, national membership staff will confirm the names and mail the pin directly to the person who earned it. Commander Koutz’s "Every Day Is Veterans Day" pin incentive program will end June 30, 2013, or when supplies are exhausted.

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