August 27, 2024

Hawaii Legionnaire elected president of FODPAL

By The American Legion
Hawaii Legionnaire elected president of FODPAL
Hawaii Legionnaire elected president of FODPAL

Foreign and Outlying Departments and Posts of The American Legion install new officers.

Francis Riddell of Hawaii was installed Monday as president of Foreign and Outlying Departments and Posts of The American Legion (FODPAL) for the new year. The group, which meets at major gatherings of the nation’s largest veterans organization, swore in new officers, awarded certificates of appreciation, raised funds for the American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation and had a fellowship breakfast during the 105th American Legion National Convention in New Orleans.

Also installed to the officer corps were:

-              William Shetz, 1st Vice President, Department of Latin America

-              Antonio Arroyo, 2nd Vice President, Department of Puerto Rico

-              Larry Atkins, 3rd Vice President, China Post 1

-              James Settle, Judge Advocate, Department of France

-              Jim Hussey, Assistant Judge Advocate, Department of Hawaii

-              Ramon Rivera, Historian, Department of Puerto Rico

-              Carl Nord, Assistant Historian, Department of Philippines

-              Terry Huisman, Chaplain, Department of Alaska

-              Randell Butler, Assistant Chaplain, Department of Latin America

-              Juan Cruz, Sergeant at Arms, Department of Puerto Rico

-              Mike Hayward, Assistant Sergeant at Arms, Department of Alaska

-              Jim Pisa, Secretary, Department of Alaska

-              Jimmie Foster, Treasurer, Department of Alaska

-              Doug Haggan, Assistant Treasurer/Breakfast Chairman, Department of France

-              Tony Jordan, Master of Ceremonies, Department of Maine

FODPAL consists of more than 15,000 members and 250 posts of The American Legion, located in six departments located outside the borders of the continental United States, as well as posts attached to lower-48 departments that are located outside the United States.




  • Convention