![Award recipients from 102nd National Convention](/getmedia/7f439f9b-6183-429c-ada1-6058dc9e4d61/34141.jpeg.jpeg)
Complete list of awards and recipients from the 102nd American Legion National Convention in Phoenix.
Below is a list of awards and recipients from the 102nd American Legion National Convention in Phoenix.
Distinguished Service Medal: Diane Carlson Evans
James V. Day “Good Guy” Award: Mark Eaton (posthumous)
National Color Guard Contests: Military – Open: American Legion Post 124, Westfield, Mass. Military: Harrisburg American Legion Post 472, Houston Advancing/Retiring Colors: Newport Harbor American Legion Post 291, Newport Beach, Calif.
National Law Enforcement Officer of the Year: Sgt. Daniel Martin of Omaha, Neb.
National Firefighter of the Year: Robert Nagle of Gallitzen, Pa.
Fourth Estate: Broadcast: “The Price of Protection ... Problems with Court-Ordered Guardianship,” WFTS, Tampa, Fla. Internet/New Media: Coverage of Marine Corps proposal to close Parris Island Recruit Depot, Military.com Print: Series on “unclaimed” veteran funerals, Daily Herald, Arlington Heights, Ill.
Spirit of Service Awards (given to active-duty servicemembers for volunteer work): Air Force Staff Sgt. Zachariah D. Austin Army Sgt. Joselito Cabang Marine Corps Cpl. Darla L. Dunning Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael P. Monahan Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Jessica Rooks Army National Guard Pvt. 1st Class Alejandro Sanchez
National Recruiter of the Year: Martha A. Bigbie of American Legion Lester Keate Post 90 in St. George, Utah
Race to the Top (given to district commanders who attain at least 100 percent of the district’s assigned membership objective by March 31): Bruce Carl
Johnny D. Castro James F. Defrehn Stephen N. Foster James R. Gibson
100% Department Commander of the Year (given to any department commander who meets or exceeds the 100% goal by the May target date): Milo Vukovich, Department of Mexico
100% Department Membership Award: Department of Mexico
Henry D. Lindsley Trophy (Membership): Department of Utah
O.L. Bodenhamer Trophy (No. 1 in membership at June report): Department of South Dakota
Ralph T. O’Neil Education Trophy (for greatest activity in use of American Legion School Medal awards): Department of Montana
Daniel J. O’Connor Americanism Trophy (for best all-around Americanism activities): Department of Florida
Frank N. Belgrano Trophy (for support of Boy Scouts of America): Department of Missouri
Garland D. Murphy Jr. Award (based on actual contributions received during the 2021 American Legion Child Welfare Foundation year): Department of Florida
U.S. “Udie” Grant Legacy Award (based on total combined donations of American Legion Family to the Child Welfare Foundation): Department of Florida
Child Welfare Foundation Meritorious Achievement Award (given for the highest increase in per-capita giving to the CWF): Department of Nevada
Child Welfare Foundation Excellence Award: Department of Nevada
William F. Lenker National Service Trophy (for best supporting and implementing programs to benefit veterans and their families): Department of Pennsylvania
Employer of the Year (for companies and businesses dedicated to hiring veterans): Small Category: Nardis Gun Club Medium Category: CyberDefenses, Inc. Large Category: TriWest Healthcare Alliance
Employer of Older Workers Award: Lynden Air Cargo, LLC
Michael Guty Homeless Veterans Outreach Award: Department of Ohio – Ride with Valor
Employment Service Local Office Award: Workforce Solutions Borderplex - Lower Valley American Job Center
Local Veterans Employment Representative of the Year: Lee Ware
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist of the Year: Trevor Wilson
Enhance the Lives of the Disabled: Veteran Outdoors Inc.
- Convention