August 16, 2018

Convention possibilities for everyone

Convention possibilities for everyone
The Exhibit Hall of The American Legion's 99th National Convention in Reno, Nev., on Sunday, August 20, 2017 Photo by Lucas Carter/The American Legion

Those not officially booked for Legion business can still enjoy the convention in full.

The annual American Legion national convention features much of the official business the organization conducts yearly – commission and committee meetings, floor voting and the election of national officers for the next year. But even if one is not a delegate or commission/committee member, he or she can take full advantage of what the convention has to offer.

Any registered attendee can attend any meeting not in executive session. For questions, go to the meeting’s organizing division in the National Headquarters Staff Offices (Minneapolis Convention Center, Hall A, Lower Level).

The full gamut of convention events – from the band and color guard contests, to the Patriotic Memorial Service and the Centennial Film Festival – are open to all attendees as well, as is the Exhibit Hall. And a range of Minneapolis-area tours, operated by Experience the Twin Cities, is available throughout the week of convention activities.

The parade and contests, in fact, are open to the general public as well.

The Convention Information page hosts links to a complete schedule of events (subject to change without notice), to help plan a convention that’s both useful and fun.

  • Convention