July 06, 2017

Register for convention workshops

By The American Legion
Register for convention workshops
The Digital Media Workshop is held in Cincinnati on Monday, August 29, 2016. Photo by Lucas Carter/The American Legion

Opportunities available in digital media, the Legion's centennial and more.

The 99th National Convention in Reno, Nev., starts on Aug. 18, but attendees can pre-register for some of this year’s enrichment opportunities.

At the Digital Media Workshop, to be held on Aug. 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., posts, district and department webmasters, editors and public relations specialists will learn how to focus on membership promotion using the Web, social media and email marketing.

The 100th Anniversary Workshop, to be held on Aug. 21 in two identical sessions from 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m., will include an introduction to PR materials that posts can use to begin publicizing the Centennial in their communities; discussion of how posts can carry the Centennial Celebration into their next 100 years; best practices in a variety of areas; and more.

The National Veteran Employment Summit – hosted by The American Legion and Military.com and to be held on Aug. 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. – will bring together senior military and government officials, corporate HR leaders and professionals within the veterans community to address best practices for preparing, supporting and connecting veterans to organizations that want to hire them.

Go to www.legion.org/register to put your name on the list now. And stay tuned for additional enrichment opportunities.

  • Convention