Across the nation, the American Legion Family either hosted or delivered dinners to others, as well as inviting military recruits into their posts for some family time on the holiday.
Whether it was hosting free community dinners, delivering dinners to those who cannot get out of their home, or bringing military recruits a little closer to home, members of the American Legion Family nationwide again did their part to bring Thanksgiving to those who might not otherwise get to experience it.
American Legion Family members who assisted others in their communities leading up to or on Thanksgiving are encouraged to share their stories at www.legiontown.org.
The following are just a few examples of the American Legion Family looking out for others during the holidays.
In Seward, American Legion Post 5 provided a free community Thanksgiving dinner that served around 100 dinners. Another 77 dinners were delivered to those who could not make it to the post, including those working on the holiday.
In Safford, Swift-Murphy Post 32’s free community Thanksgiving meal provided between 500-600 meals to residents of long-term care facilities, homebound seniors not served by Meals on Wheels and first responders working the holidays. Sons of The American Legion Squadron 32 prepared the meals.
In Salinas, American Legion Post 31 served 800 people free Thanksgiving meals, cooking 40 turkeys and 15 hams. Hundreds of volunteers came to the post to assist with the dinner.
“We all have a choice where to be on Thanksgiving Day,” Post 31 event organizer Tony Virruta said. “We could be at home without family, watching football, enjoying meals. Everybody here chose to be here today.
In Bristol, American Legion Post 2 served a turkey dinner to veterans and their spouses who had nowhere to go.
In Palm Bay, American Legion Post 117’s Legion Family provided enough items for Auxiliary Unit 117 to donate 25 Thanksgiving baskets to area veterans and their families.
In Arlington Heights, Merle Guild Post 208 continued its 25-year tradition of hosting U.S. Navy recruits going through basic training at Naval State Great Lakes. The post provides a meal, gaming stations, and laptops and phones so the recruits can call family members. Fifty recruits attended this year.
"They’re able to do whatever they want to do today," Post 208 Legionnaire Stewart Abbink said. "It’s very important for them because a lot of these guys they’ve gone in, they’re away from family, they’re used to having a family Thanksgiving meal. To be here and be with our family, it’s something special."
In Boothbay, Charles E. Sherman Post 36 provided a free Thanksgiving dinner to more than 100 people. Those who could not arrange for transportation to the post were provided a ride to and from the dinner.
"It was the brainchild of our post commander, Robin Ford,” Auxiliary Unit 36 Vice President Sue Burge said. “She said a lot of people are alone on the holiday or have small families and we can welcome them and feed them. For our first holiday dinner it was everything we could have hoped for and more. We filled so many hearts today."
In Annapolis, Cook-Pinkney Post 141 fed more than 150 veterans, senior citizens and those experiencing homelessness. The post hosted a meal and also provided food to local senior housing.
In Gloucester, Lester S. Wass Post 3 joined with other organizations to assist The Open Door – a nonprofit that assists local residents facing food insecurity – in providing nearly 1,500 turkey dinners. Members of Post 3’s Legion Family cooked and delivered approximately 650 meals.
· In Minnetonka, Mounds American Legion Post 398 teamed with local churches and businesses to serve 472 meals during its free Thanksgiving meal.
· In Brainerd, American Legion Post 255 teamed with other local organizations to provide around 1,500 meals – the third year in a row the post has hit that number. Local first responders provided delivery of the meals.
In St. Louis, American Legion Post 422 conducted a free Thanksgiving meal for the third year in a row for area veterans and first responders.
“When they’re together, they can just open up and relax, and they know that they’re with someone that’s been through what they’ve been through,” Post 422 Vice Commander Eric Marlinghouse said.
New Jersey
Multiple American Legion posts hosted U.S. Coast Guard recruits training in Cape May for a Thanksgiving dinner. Their effort supported the American Red Cross New Jersey Region’s Operation Fireside.
· In Ocean City, American Legion Post 524 hosted 40 recruits.
· In Wildwood, American Legion Post 184’s Legion Family hosted 20 recruits.
· In Absecon, Post 28’s American Legion Family hosted 10 recruits.
In Parma, American Legion Past Post 572 Commander Mike Burge and Legionnaire Gary Perry delivered complete Thanksgiving dinners to some post members.
“The spirit of giving in our post is some of the most heartfelt that I have seen in the Legion,” Post 572 Commander Erich Pfleaidermahnn said via Facebook. “These events actually have many meanings, such as Buddy Checks: checking in with members that we may not see or hear from. Providing food and making that connection and commitment to our veterans, widows and their children.”
In Gilbert, American Legion Post 927 hosted its annual free community Thanksgiving meal, serving 341 people. Volunteers cooked 31 turkeys, 18 hams, 100 pounds of potatoes and four cases of stuffing among many offerings. Other community groups also donated to make the dinner possible.
“This is a team effort. We had a lot of volunteers who came in since last weekend to prepare and cook the meal,” Post 927 Commander Everett Shaver said. “We delivered 40 meals to state troopers at the Fern Ridge and Lehighton barracks, and an ambulance crew from Lehigh Valley Health Network EMS came inside and went through the buffet line to get their meals. This is but one way we give back to the community.”
· In Lake Dallas, Post 88 hosted more than 200 people for a free Thanksgiving meal, and also offered more than 30 free fried turkeys for veterans and first responders to take home for their family gathering. The post also delivered Thanksgiving meals to many homebound seniors.
· In Dallas, American Legion Post 511 hosted a Thanksgiving meal, hosting busloads of residents at homeless shelters who were provided transportation by Transportation Unlimited and Ultimate Travel Inc. Post 511 also provided shoes, clothing and luggage to the dinner guests that they’d collected throughout the year. "We are glad they are here, and we want to continue this every year," American Legion Auxiliary Unit 511 member Kathy Wheller said. “It’s a joy to be here this morning."
West Virginia
In Williamstown, General George Post 159 hosted its annual Thanksgiving dinner for veterans and their families for the special day. The post provided a sit-down meal and also delivered another 100 meals to area residents.
“This is a day we look forward to every year to help provide a great meal and a gathering for the community for Thanksgiving,” Post 159 Legion Family member Darla Van Horn said. “We help a lot of people who may not have those meals get them today.”
In Wausau, American Legion Post 10’s “Safe at Home” meal program delivered 210 Thanksgiving dinners. The program has provided more than 6,300 meals to veterans and widows in the past four years.
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