Riders haul in over $1.5 million for scholarship, Palou takes the INDYCAR series, and CWF delivers record amount in grants.
Records were broken, champions were made, and organizations that help children facing challenges were major beneficiaries in August, thanks to The American Legion.
First, the records:
- American Legion Riders delivered an all-time high of $1,551,631 to the stage of the 104th National Convention for the Legacy Scholarship Fund.
- The Sons of The American Legion celebrated an all-time high in membership on Aug. 10.
- The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation’s 2023 grant distributions were higher than ever before.
- And more mobile-device users downloaded the national convention app than any time in history – by nearly 5,000.
The American Legion Baseball World Series showcased two stellar pitching performances, and Legion appeals representatives won their cases for more than 300 veterans, free of charge, after disputed VA claims decisions.
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