The American Legion has a long history of advancing pro-veteran legislation. Here’s how you can help continue the tradition.
Dear American Legion Family and Friends,
Throughout America’s history, veterans and their families have sacrificed more than most others could imagine.
We honor and remember the fallen, not just on a Monday in May, but every day throughout the year. And for those who returned home carrying the wounds of war, The American Legion is there for you.
In fact, our organization was created as a way to ensure World War I veterans would receive proper care after their service ended. We fought for the passage of the original GI Bill of Rights that gave veterans of World War II and future generations a new path once they returned home.
Earlier this month, The American Legion witnessed nine new legislative achievements signed into law by the president. Among the bills were those that expand veterans’ access to breast cancer screenings; strengthen oversight by VA’s Office of Inspector General to issue subpoenas in certain circumstances; and extending a program to compensate WWII veterans exposed to radiation.
These legislative accomplishments would not be possible without the support, influence and advocacy of American Legion members throughout the land. That is among the reasons why Congress listens when the nation’s largest veterans service organization speaks.
There are two ways you can help The American Legion continue its legacy of legislative achievements:
1. If you have let your membership slide, renew or join today. Every member is critical to our success on behalf of our brothers and sisters who served.
2. Sign up to receive our action alerts. These easy-to-fill-out forms allow you to contact your members of Congress directly and convey your support for important legislation.
Your support truly demonstrates what The American Legion means by …
Veterans Strengthening America.
Paul E. Dillard
National Commander
The American Legion
- Commander