National Commander Schmidt: It’s important for us to document all the great things that posts are doing in their communities.
Throughout the year American Legion posts go about their community service with little fanfare. Legion Family members tidy up veterans’ gravesites, raise money for worthy programs and mentor children in their communities.
The impact of all of these activities is nearly immeasurable. However, the annual Consolidated Post Report is one way to measure the impressive impact American Legion posts have in their communities and beyond. Additionally, it assists in the report to Congress as we comply with our congressional charter.
The clock is winding down toward this year’s deadline for the Legion’s 13,000 posts to submit their annual Consolidated Post Reports (CPR). The 2016-17 reporting period (June 1-May 31) is over so now is the time for all posts to submit reports of their accomplishments for the community, state and nation over the last 12 months.
Most years about 67 percent of posts comply with filing the CPRs. This year, I would like to see 100 percent — every single post — complete the CPR.
It’s important for us to document all the great things that posts are doing in their communities so that we can get a better handle on our leadership nationwide. If we only receive two-thirds, it skews the reporting we do as a national organization.
For example, the most recent CPR indicates that 7,225 posts participated in Memorial Day services. I believe that every post plays a role in a Memorial Day event, making that number closer to 13,000.
The CPR deadline is July 1. All Legion posts should submit their CPRs by logging onto and completing the form. The online form allows posts to submit a short written narrative of their community activities to expand on their input or cover local programs not captured on the form.
At national convention this year, I will recognize American Legion departments with a 95 percent or better CPR reporting. My sincere hope is that we will have to allocate more time on the agenda this year than previous year’s to acknowledge all 55 departments.
- Commander