Legion staff will attend The American Legion Post 754 in New York City’s dinner reception for the Commander, who will address the importance of education and jobs for veterans.
On April 10 at 6 p.m., American Legion Post 754 of the New York Athletic Club is hosting a cocktail and dinner reception for The American Legion National Commander, Fang A. Wong. Staff from National Headquarters will be attending the event, which will address the importance of education and jobs for veterans.
The event is designed to gather New York American Legion members, as well as local business, government, labor and academic communities to focus on the challenges of returning servicemembers transitioning to civilian life.
The dinner reception will be held on the ninth floor of the historic New York Athletic Club and cost is $75 per person. Checks can be made payable to American Legion Post 754 and mailed to Helen Pairazaman, Membership Services at New York Athletic Club, 180 Central Park South, New York, N.Y., 10019.
For further information, please call or email Post 754 Commander Richard Sweeney at (917) 621-5666/rsweeney@nyc.rr.com, or Helen Pairazaman at (212) 767-7168/ helenp@nyac.org.
- Commander