Anderson-Hoxsie Post 103 of Westbrook, and other posts across Connecticut, have presented to their local public libraries “The Connecticut American Legion Family 1919-2019.”
Anderson-Hoxsie Post 103 of Westbrook, and other posts across Connecticut, have presented to their local public libraries “The Connecticut American Legion Family 1919-2019.”
The birthday gift represents 100 years of veterans, Legionnaires continuing to serve in their communities. The Westbrook presentation in the Westbrook Library Community Room was made by past Post Commander Frazier Brinley and officers Jack Dempsey and Mark Bennett to Librarian Lew Daniels and Historical Society President Cathie Doane at 10 a.m. on March 16. The date chosen represented 100 years since the Legion’s first caucus, held in Paris March 15-17, 1919. Others present for the donation of the books and $100 were First Selectman Noel Bishop, American Legion 7th District Commander (Middlesex County) Eileen Richard and Joyce Brinley, past president of the local American Legion Auxiliary. The refreshments were provided by Bishop.
The presentation was unique in itself. Frazier Brinley was the author and state chairman for the centennial. He signed both books at the presentation.
The picture of the Connecticut Legion cap had Westbrook on it. When the Connecticut doughboys came home from the “War to End All Wars,” they wanted to remind everyone that their uniforms and those dating back to the American Revolution were Connecticut-made. Connecticut is the Provision State, so Colonial Buff for the top was used, not just buff.
Among the department’s other centennial projects has been a series of calendars. 2019 marks the fourth and last year for the calendars, which include department historical facts and pictures.
- Centennial