February 11, 2013

D.C. office to host business task force meeting

By The American Legion

Legion to connect its Small Business Task Force with VET-Force at a meeting on policy.

The American Legion's Washington Office will host a meeting tomorrow for the organization's Small Business Task Force and the Veterans Entrepreneur Task Force (VET-Force) - a nonprofit entity made up of around 200 organizations which lobbies Congress to pass legislation that favors veteran business owners. The American Legion's Small Business Task Force is a conglomeration of veteran business owners that advise the Legion on how to better serve the interests of veteran business owners and entrepreneurs.

The meeting, which was organized by the Legion's Economic Division, will bring the two groups together to discuss policy, legislation and programs that assist veteran and service-disable veteran business owners in contracting with the federal government. The meeting will run from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Founded in 1998, VET-Force's original mission was to lobby for passage of Public Law 106-50, the Veterans Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Act of 1999, which gave additional assistance to veteran and service-disabled veteran small business owners. After passage of the measure, VET-Force assumed a watchdog role, monitoring Congress, governmental agencies and politicians to ensure that the priorities of veteran business owners are looked after. The group has successful veteran entrepreneurs and policy makers among its leaders.

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