September 30, 2024

10,000 life-saving lessons

Be the One
Photo by Hilary Ott /The American Legion
Photo by Hilary Ott /The American Legion

The American Legion has trained more than 10,000 people on how to safely intervene when a veteran is at risk for suicide. But that is only the start.

Dear American Legion Family members and friends, 

I am so proud of how many veterans, family members and others have taken our free suicide prevention training classes. 

We’ve recently surpassed the 10,000th person trained, all since we launched our partnership with Columbia University in late February. That’s 10,000 people equipped with the knowledge, tools and confidence to save the life of a veteran in crisis. 

All it took was an hour and a half for the free training that is available remotely and in person. 

However, this milestone is only the beginning. 

Our Be the One mission is unchanged: reduce the number of veterans and servicemembers lost to suicide. The training plays a crucial role in that effort. 

If you’ve taken then training, thank you. And let us know if you have applied the training to save a veteran. 

If you have not yet taken the training, please consider spending just 90 minutes to do so. Being equipped to properly intervene can mean the difference in not only the life of a veteran but to his or her family members, friends and so many others. 

We have three new training sessions scheduled in October with more on the way. Find a training session that fits your schedule here. And if you can’t find one now that works, keep checking back as more will regularly be added. 

Thank you for all that you do to Be the One. 

National Commander  

James LaCoursiere Jr.

  • Be the One