March 26, 2025

Legion Baseball at 100: Celebrating Kansas

The El Dorado, Kan., team from Post 81, one of the four teams in the 1926 National Junior Baseball Tournament finals.
The El Dorado, Kan., team from Post 81, one of the four teams in the 1926 National Junior Baseball Tournament finals.

Facts about the history of American Legion Baseball in the Department of Kansas.

NOTE: As we prepare to celebrate American Legion Baseball’s centennial season, we’re taking a quick look at historical facts from each Legion department which sponsors, or has sponsored, the program. Check out stories at (or click here for the previous story) and stay up-to-date on centennial happenings using #LegionBaseball100 on social media.

Dr. Irvin L. Cowger was the adjutant of the Department of Kansas and a devoted baseball supporter. The annual Dr. Irvin L. “Click” Cowger Memorial RBI Award is presented to the player with the most runs batted in during national Legion Baseball competition.

Facts about Kansas Legion Baseball

First season of American Legion Baseball: 1926.

First state champion: El Dorado Post 81.

American Legion World Series appearances (4): El Dorado, 1926; Kansas City, 1991; Lawrence, 2006; Olathe, 1990.

  • Baseball