March 07, 2025

Legion Baseball at 100: Celebrating Arkansas

Texarkana, Ark., celebrates after winning the 2016 American Legion World Series. Photo by Lucas Carter / The American Legion.
Texarkana, Ark., celebrates after winning the 2016 American Legion World Series. Photo by Lucas Carter / The American Legion.

Facts about the history of American Legion Baseball in the Department of Arkansas.

NOTE: As we prepare to celebrate American Legion Baseball’s centennial season, we’re taking a quick look at historical facts from each Legion department which sponsors, or has sponsored, the program. Check out stories at (or click here for the previous story) and stay up-to-date on centennial happenings using #LegionBaseball100 on social media.

In November 1957, The American Legion National Executive Committee approved the establishment of an annual award honoring a graduate of American Legion Baseball. The first recipient of the ALB Graduate of the Year Award was a quiet catcher from Arkansas, the White Sox’s Sherm Lollar.

As noted in a Legion press release announcing the award in July 1959, Lollar was “known for his consistency in ball-playing. During 1958 he hit 20 homeruns - ten in the first half of the season and ten in the second half. With the 1959 season nearing the midway point, he has eight homers to his credit and is leading the White Sox again in runs batted in with 37. He is hitting .275 and posted a .273 record at the plate in 1958.”

That same press release’s description of the Graduate of the Year Award: “Symbolic of the thousands of young men who annually participate in Junior Baseball competition the award will be presented annually to a former Junior Baseball player who is actively engaged in professional baseball and exemplifies the aims and principles of The American Legion Junior Baseball program.

“Final selection is made on the basis of the player's general conduct, sportsmanship, citizenship activities, and playing ability.”

Facts about Arkansas Legion Baseball

First season of American Legion Baseball: 1928.

First state champion: Blytheville Post 24.

Baseball Hall of Famers (2): George Kell, Swifton, 1983; Brooks Robinson, Little Rock, 1983 (1964 Graduate of the Year).

Other notable alumni: Cliff Lee, Benton, 2016 Graduate of the Year; Sherm Lollar, Fayetteville, 1958 Graduate of the Year; Jeremy Roberts, Rison, 1999 Player of the Year; Will Smith, Texarkana, 2016 Player of the Year.

American Legion World Series titles (1): Texarkana, 2016.

Other American Legion World Series appearances (6): Bryant, 2007, 2017; Jonesboro, 2008; Little Rock, 1947; Russellville, 1994; Texarkana, 1990.

  • Baseball