American Legion Baseball department chairmen attend Combined Americanism Conference
The final weekend of September brings American Legion Baseball chairmen from across the country to Indianapolis for a weekend of discussions regarding rules, policies and the betterment of the program.
At this year’s annual Combined Americanism Conference, held at The American Legion’s National Headquarters, Legion Baseball department chairmen and American Legion Baseball Committee members gathered for three days of discussions.
On Friday, the chairmen gathered for an update on communications, marketing and promotions regarding the program.
In addition, the eight chairmen whose states reached the 2018 American Legion World Series were honored – Roy Lamberton from Delaware, whose Wilmington Post 1 team won the American Legion World Series, and Ron Michalski of Nevada, whose Las Vegas Post 40 team were the runners-up. The two received their awards from Richard Anderson, chairman of the Americanism Commission, and Gary Stone, chairman of the Baseball Committee.
Saturday featured a day of breakout sessions and discussions regarding the program.
The weekend capped off Sunday with a meeting of Baseball Committee, whose recommendations will be forwarded on for future action.
- Baseball