American Legion National Commander Fang A. Wong met with Major League Baseball officials to accept the annual donation to Legion Baseball.
American Legion National Commander Fang A. Wong recently met with Major League Baseball officials in New York City. During their meet and greet, Wong accepted a $40,000 check — a generous contribution that MLB has given annually to The American Legion Baseball program since 1932.
MLB officials represented at the meeting included Tom Brasuell, vice president of community relations, and Chuck Fox with operations. They briefed the commander on one of MLB’s charities, "Welcome Back Veterans," which supports returning veterans suffering from post traumatic stress. Additionally, Legion staff conducted a PowerPoint presentation on American Legion Baseball’s growth, and the success the program experienced last year in Shelby, N.C. — home to Legion Baseball World Series.
The ongoing relationship between the Legion and MLB started in 1926 when MLB began recognizing the Legion’s national championship baseball team during its World Series. The tradition has continued and last year the Legion Baseball championship team from Eden Prairie, Minn., was recognized on field at Busch Stadium in St. Louis.
- Baseball