November 19, 2010

Legion Baseball registration begins Jan. 1

By The American Legion
Legion Baseball registration begins Jan. 1
Legion Baseball registration begins Jan. 1

Coaches will see a few new changes with online registration for the 2011 American Legion Baseball season.

As American Legion Baseball swings into its 86th year, the 2011 season gets under way with online registration beginning Jan. 1 via the Legion Baseball website.

This year marks Legion Baseball’s second season for online registration, which was launched to tighten administrative communication efforts and provide additional value to players and fans. With online registration, coaches no longer have to collect, complete and mail registration forms, insurance forms and payments to various locations for processing. The user-friendly online capabilities simplify the entire registration process, allowing coaches to enter game schedules and team rosters for parents and fans to view.

Furthermore, because of improvements recently made to the Legion Baseball website, coaches will have better access to detailed, printer-friendly reports along with the ability to transfer player profiles from the previous season to the upcoming one.

For questions or concerns regarding 2011 baseball registration, please e-mail

  • Baseball