July 11, 2022

Your three cents can make a difference

By SAL National Commander Michael Fox
100 Miles
Your three cents can make a difference
Your three cents can make a difference

Through your participation or donation through the 100 Miles for Hope challenge, we can help disabled veterans and military families in need.

Dear Sons of The American Legion,

It’s been just over a month since I challenged all of you to once again make a difference in the lives of veterans and military families. Our goal as the Sons of The American Legion is to raise $10,000 for the 100 Miles for Hope campaign. I want to thank all of you who have signed up to participate, or simply donated, to this third annual wellness/fitness campaign that also raises funds for The American Legion’s Veterans & Children Foundation.

But we still have a long way to go, and a short time to get there. The campaign concludes Sept. 5.

There’s an old expression about “putting your two cents in.” I’m encouraging you to put your THREE cents in. Let me explain.

As of July 7, the Sons of The American Legion had 358,018 members. If every single member donated just three cents, we would easily surpass that $10,000 goal.

But, of course, I would encourage us to raise more. Please go to Legion.org/100Miles to sign up to participate, or simply to donate.

I know what we, the Sons of The American Legion, are capable of. We’re the biggest fundraiser for the Child Welfare Foundation. We volunteer thousands of hours each year. Let’s make this year’s 100 Miles for Hope campaign the most successful yet.

Sons of The American Legion, get up, get moving, and be part of this special challenge. Because we are #SALSTRONG.


There is no limit to the amount of good we can do.

We are the Sons of The American Legion.


God bless our veterans.

God bless our military in harm’s way.

And God bless the United States of America.


Michael Fox

SAL National Commander

“Leadership through action, not through position”


  • 100 Miles