Nomination forms for the Veterans Employment and Education awards are available through American Legion department headquarters. There are five available awards.
National Employer of Veterans Award. This award is offered in three categories: Category I – Employers of more than 200 employees (Large); Category II – Employers of 51-200 employees (Medium); Category III – Employers of 1-50 employees (Small).
National Employment Service Award. This award is offered in three categories: Local Veteran Employment Representative (LVER) of the Year; Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP) of the Year; Employment Service (ES) Local Office of the Year.
Enhance the Lives of Disabled Persons Award. A Legion project or program that improves the quality of life for disabled persons will be considered for this award.
National Employer of Older Worker Award. The American Legion provides an Employer of Older Worker Award for a company that consistently hires older workers, especially veterans.
Michael Guty Homeless Veterans Outreach Award. Any Legion project or program with a goal of ending homelessness among veterans will be considered for this award.
Nomination forms for the Veterans Employment and Education awards are available through American Legion department headquarters. All entries must be accompanied by an official nomination form with no more than two pages of narrative, along with supporting documents. Departments will send reminders to all posts about nominations. The department then selects one nominee as its winner and sends the nomination form for the winning employer. That nomination form must be signed by either the department adjutant or department employment chairman. Selection of the national winners will be made by the Veterans Employment & Education Commission during the annual Washington Conference. The national winners will receive a stipend for travel expenses and are presented award plaques at the National Convention.