SE5 Tango Alpha Lima Trailblazing Women Veterans: Medical Marvel Dr. Mary Edwards Walker

In this special series we celebrate Women's History Month and honor the service of women veterans and their contributions to American military history. Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was a surgeon and is the only woman to receive the Medal of Honor for her service during the Civil War. She worked as a contract surgeon for the Union Army and was known for her dedication and pioneering efforts in the field of military medicine. In addition to sharing the story of Dr. Walker, we also honor other trailblazing women who served in during the earliest wars in America's history. AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR Deborah Sampson Molly Pitcher Lydia Darragh MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR Sarah Borginis Sarah Edmonds U.S. CIVIL WAR Mary Ann "Mother" Bickerdyke Dorothea Dix Susie King Taylor TRAILBLAZING WOMEN VETERANS EP2 - Angels of Anzio: TRAILBLAZING WOMEN VETERANS EP3 - Col. Allison Black: TRAILBLAZING WOMEN VETERANS EP4 - Shoshana Johnson: SHOW NOTES

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