Sgt. Nevada ‘Jim’ Williams landed at Inchon, South Korea, with 2,500 soldiers of the U.S. Army's 7th Infantry Division, 31st Regiment Combat Team on Sept. 15, 1950.
John M. Williams, a member of American Legion Post 68 in Spanish Fork, Utah, submitted to Legiontown the story of his brother’s Korean War service:
“Sgt. Nevada ‘Jim’ Williams landed at Inchon, South Korea, with 2,500 soldiers of the U.S. Army's 7th Infantry Division, 31st Regiment Combat Team on Sept. 15, 1950. On Nov. 27, 1950, the 31st RCT came under attack by the Chinese along the eastern shore of the Chosin Reservoir. After fighting a running battle for five days in sub-zero temperatures with the Chinese, the 31st RCT inflicted heavy casualties but suffered heavy losses. Less than 1,000 soldiers of the original 2,500 soldiers making up the 31st RCT made it to the safety of the Marine lines. Those still capable of fighting numbered 385 soldiers. The 31st RCT was later awarded a Presidential Unit Citation.
“Jim reported to Camp Breckenridge, Ky., in May 1951 to train soldiers in Advanced Infantry Training (AIT). The photo shows the commanding general congratulating Master Sgt. Williams for being selected as guest speaker for a new class of AIT trainees. Jim spent 30 years in the U.S. Army and retired as a command sergeant major at Fort Knox, Ky. He also served two tours in Vietnam. Jim passed away in October 2007 in Louisville, Ky. He was a great soldier and a great brother.”
Share your Korean War story, or that of a loved one, at legiontown.org.
- Honor & Remembrance