September 20, 2013

Minutes of FODPAL May meeting


Held on 8 May 2013 at The American Legion Headquarters, Indianapolis.

The meeting was called to order at 0730hrs by President Robert Fuelling with salute to the colors.

Prayer was given by H Ownby.

Pledge of Allegiance, and the Preamble by President Robert Fuelling.

Reading of Minutes from the Fall 2012 meeting. A motion was made by Jimmie Foster and seconded by H Ownby to accept the minutes with corrections. Motion Carried

Past National Commander Clarence Bacon introduced all guests.

Treasures Report. PNC/PFP Jimmie Foster gave the Finance Report, he asked that if you haven’t paid your dues yet to please do so. A motion was made by Doug Haggan and seconded by John Miller to accept the Finance Report subject to audit. MOTION CARRIED. Finance Report attached to Minutes.

FODPAL Breakfast 2013. 2013 National Convention Breakfast in Houston TX is rolling, Fred Platt was the front man. The breakfast will be on Aug 26th and cost $26.00.

Unfinished Business.

Membership cutoff dates are very important and it is important for the Foreign Departments to mail early so the membership is counted by the cutoff date. OPEN

Mailing privileges at US Embassy Resolution has been passed by National Convention and is on its way to Capitol Hill. OPEN

FODPAL now has a debit card. It’s much easier to pay bills with. CLOSED

Post in South Korea. OPEN

Webpage is up and running please pass the word around to visit the Webpage, also we need input to keep the Webpage fresh. Alaska, France and Puerto Rico right now are the big supporters, we also need meeting dates and or ceremony dates. CLOSED

New Business.

A motion was made by PFP/Secretary Doug Haggan and seconded by John Miller to purchase 100 new FODPAL Pins from Emblem Sales. MOTION CARRIED

Purchase of FODPAL patches. TABLED

A motion was made by Jim Pisa and seconded by H Ownby to allocate $250.00 each for the Legacy Fund and Operation Comfort Warrior to be presented at The National Convention in Houston, TX. MOTION CARRIED

A motion was made by Jim Pisa and seconded by Mervin Siegfried to name of Gene Franks of Alaska the recipient of the Earle Cocke Jr. Award. MOTION CARRIED

A motion was made Doug Haggan and seconded by Clarence Bacon to allocate $40.00 for an award to be presented to the Legion Magazine Division for their help in getting the Website up and running. MOTION CARRIED
Doug Haggan requested that all the Departments in FODPAL support the resolution that The Department of Frances passed make Dec 7th a National Holiday. NO ACTION NEEDED

Report from the Departments

Alaska just had their Department Convention and membership is going strong.

France the National Commander visit is set and the membership is almost at 100%.

Hawaii Andrew Johnson had to resign do to moving back to the mainland.

Puerto Rico membership is at 90%

China Post #1 has hired a secretary and is now converting everything from Fred Platt’s head to a computer.

After a closing prayer and honor to the Colors the meeting closed at 0845hrs


Robert Fuelling (FR) FODPAL President
Doug Haggan (FR) PPF/FODPAL Secretary
Jim Pisa (AK) NEC/FODPAL 1st Vice President
Clarence Bacon (MD) PNC/PPF/FODPAL Advisor
Bill Detweiler (LA) PNC/PPF
Jimmie Foster (AK) PNC/PPF/FODPAL Treasurer
John Miller (FR) NEC
Mervin Siegfried (HI) ALT NEC
H Ownby (FR) ALT NEC/FODPAL 3rd Vice President
Jake Comer (MA) PNC/PPF
Terry Huisman (AK)
Steve Huisman (AK)
Edwin Vargus (PR) NEC
Art Gimpe (ID) Department Commander
Anthony Jordan (ME) PNC
Bruce Thiesen (CA) PNC
Mike Schlee (MD) Chairman NSC

Doug Haggan
FODPAL Secretary
Past Department of France Commander
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