United States Flag Questions & Answers

When should small flags displayed on graves on Memorial Day be removed?

All Legion posts should follow the practice of removing flags from veterans’ graves as soon as possible after Memorial Day.

Can a flag that has covered a casket be displayed after its original use?

There are no provisions in the Flag Code to suggest otherwise. It would be a fitting tribute to the memory of the deceased veteran and his or her service to a grateful nation if the casket flag is displayed.

Can the U.S. flag be displayed in inclement weather?

The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, with the exception of an all-weather (nylon or other non-absorbent material) flag. However, most flags are made of all-weather materials.

What is the significance of displaying the flag at half-staff?

This gesture is a sign to indicate the nation mourns the death of an individual(s), such as death of the president or former president, vice president, Supreme Court justice, member of Congress, secretary of an executive or military department, etc. Only the president or a state governor may order the flag to be displayed at half-staff. The honor and reverence accorded this solemn act is quickly becoming eroded by those individuals and agencies that display the flag at half-staff on inappropriate occasions without proper authority to do so.

When the flag is not flown from a staff, how should it be displayed?

It should be displayed vertically, whether indoors or out, and suspended so that its folds fall free as though the flag were staffed. The stripes may be displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, and the union should be uppermost and to the flag’s own right (that is, to the observer’s left). When displayed in a window of a home or a place of business, the flag should be displayed in the same way (that is, with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street).

How are unserviceable flags destroyed?

The Flag Code suggests that when a flag has served its useful purpose, “it should be destroyed, preferably by burning.” For individual citizens, this should be done discreetly so the act of destruction is not perceived as a protest or desecration. Many American Legion posts conduct disposal of unserviceable flag ceremonies on June 14, Flag Day. Such ceremonies are particularly dignified and solemn occasions for the retirement of unserviceable flags. To find an American Legion post near you to assist with dignified disposal, visit Find a Post (mylegion.org).

Can the flag be washed or dry-cleaned?

Yes. No provisions of the Flag Code prohibit such care. The decision to wash or dry-clean would depend on the material.

Are you required to destroy the flag if it touches the ground?

The Flag Code states that the flag should not touch anything beneath it, including the ground. This is stated to indicate that care should be exercised in the handling of the flag, to protect it from becoming soiled or damaged. You are not required to destroy the flag when this happens. As long as the flag remains suitable for display, even if washing or dry-cleaning is required, you may continue to display the flag as a symbol of our great country.

What is the proper method for folding the flag?

The Flag Code does not require any specific method. However, a tradition of folding has developed over time that produces a triangular-shaped form, like that of a three-corner hat with only the blue union showing.

May a person, other than a veteran, have his or her casket draped with the flag of the United States?

Yes. Although this honor is usually reserved for veterans or highly regarded state and national figures, the Flag Code does not prohibit this use.

What is the significance of the gold fringe seen on some U.S. flags?

Records indicate that fringe was first used on the flag as early as 1835. It was not until 1895 that it was officially added to the national flag for all Army regiments. For civilian use, fringe is not required as an integral part of the flag, nor can its use be said to constitute an unauthorized addition to the design prescribed by statute. Fringe is used as an honorable enrichment only.

What is meant by the flag’s own right?

The “right” as the position of honor developed from the time when the right hand was the “weapon hand” or “point of danger.” The right hand, raised without a weapon, was a sign of peace. The right hand, to any observer, is the observer’s left. Therefore, as used in the Flag Code, the flag and/or blue field is displayed to the observer’s left, which is the flag’s “own right.”

Is it proper to fly the U.S. flag at night?

The Flag Code states it is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flag staffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness. The American Legion interprets “proper illumination” as a light specifically placed to illuminate the flag (preferred) or having a light source sufficient to illuminate the flag so it is recognizable as such by the casual observer.

What should be the position of the flag when displayed from a staff in a church, public auditorium or other public meeting place, whether indoors or outdoors, on platform, or on the floor at ground level?

When used on a speaker’s platform, the flag, if displayed flat, should be displayed above and behind the speaker. When displayed from a staff in a church, public auditorium or meeting place, the flag should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the audience, and in the position of honor at the clergyman’s or speaker’s right as he faces the audience. Prior to the Flag Code changes in 1976, the display procedure was somewhat different. Now, the staffed flag should always be placed to the right of the speaker (observer’s left) without regard to a platform or floor level.

What are the penalties for the physical desecration of the flag?

There are currently no penalties for the physical desecration of the flag. The American Legion and other members of the Citizens Flag Alliance continue working toward securing a constitutional amendment to protect the flag from physical desecration.

Can the U.S. flag be used in advertising?

The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. Our organization places emphasis of its interpretation and opinion upon the U.S. Flag Code's very specific language of "never" and "in any manner whatsoever" when considering use of the flag, or image of the flag, in association with advertising purposes. Those having concern with interpretation of this section of the U.S. Flag Code might instead consider opting for use of stars and stripes, as well as red, white, and blue colors, to convey a patriotic tone instead using a pattern of the flag.

Can synthetic flags be burned as a means of dignified disposal?

Section 8, paragraph (k) of the U.S. Flag Code states, "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning." This does include flags made of nylon and synthetic materials. The vast majority of United States flags displayed today are made of nylon or polyester materials, which are inherently difficult to dispose of by burning. Federal, state, and local governmental agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency have legitimate concerns when it comes to the burning of these unserviceable flags because of the harmful and hazardous gasses emitted. Burying, although a tradition, is certainly not recommended for nylon/synthetic flags either, as they are not biodegradable. Options for consideration is contacting and developing an arrangement with a trash disposal service that has an incinerator which can burn these flags at a very high temperature (who is already licensed to burn synthetic materials) and who will allow or facilitate conducting a dignified disposal of those flags. Or from time-to-time funeral homes will take in flags to be cremated at high temperature with the body of a veteran in a dignified manner, so we also suggest seeking to develop an arrangement with funeral homes to see if they will take these flags in. Additionally, we suggest checking with your local city or county attorney, or state attorney general's office, to inquire about local laws and disposal availability they use for their local state or municipality flags.

How should small graveside flags be retired?

The U.S. Flag Code states that when a flag is no longer serviceable, for example, torn, worn, tattered, frayed, faded, etc., it is no longer a fitting emblem for display. We recommend you consult and coordinate with the management of the cemetery to obtain guidelines they might have specific to their cemetery regarding procedures for placement and retrieval of graveside flags - every cemetery operates under different sets of guidelines and policies.

May I wear flag clothing?

It is the longstanding opinion of the Americanism Commission of The American Legion that it is acceptable to wear clothing that has an image of the American flag on it if that garment has not been made using an actual U.S. Flag as the textile. It is The American Legion's opinion that, with few exceptions, the U.S. Flag Code pertains only to an actual flag. Early on in our campaign to protect the flag from physical desecration, Congress agreed in 1989 that the term "flag of the United States" means "any FLAG of the United States, or any part thereof, made of any substance, of any size, in a form that is commonly displayed." A shirt, necktie, hair band, etc., with the likeness of a flag, is not a form commonly displayed as any sort of flag. Many Americans simply want to express their patriotism and love of country by wearing an article of clothing or an item that has an image of the flag imprinted upon it. You should note that there are those who have differing opinions than that of The American Legion, so we are not able to say if you will offend anyone or not.

What about other types of flags? Are they acceptable?

Our area of expertise is about the care and display of the national flag of the United States that is defined in Presidential Executive Order (E.O.) No. 10834, August 24, 1959. E.O No. 10834, Part 1 (Design of the flag), Section 1 states, "The flag of the United States shall have thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white, and a union consisting of white stars on a field of blue." As such, our organization will no longer take any position or offer any other comment about any other flag other than the U.S. Flag itself as defined in E.O. No. 10834. This position does not denote our organization's support for or non-support for any causes that may be represented by flags other than the Flag of the United States. There are many decorative, patriotic buntings and banners which people choose to display.

What is the order in which flags should be displayed, left to right (when facing)?

  1. United States flag (first mentioned in precedence in U.S. Flag Code)
  2. State flag (next in order of precedence per U.S. Flag Code)
  3. City / county / locality flag (next in order of precedence per U.S. Flag Code)
    (following those mentioned above in the U.S. Flag Code are “pennants of societies”, aka flags of organizations or “organizational flags”. The U.S. Flag Code offers no specific hierarchy for precedence of display among any specific organizational flags)
  4. POW/MIA flag (organizational flag – first organizational flag of precedence IAW National Security Commission guidance/opinion; high honor as an organizational flag due to the symbolism it represents)
  5. U.S. Army (organizational flag)
  6. U.S. Marine Corps (organizational flag)
  7. U.S. Navy (organizational flag)
  8. U.S. Air Force (organizational flag)
  9. U.S. Space Force (organizational flag)
  10. U.S. Coast Guard (organizational flag)
  11. American Legion (organizational flag)

May I display multiple flags?

Multiple flags may be displayed from the same flagpole. Other flags displayed with the U.S. flag may be of approximately equal size but may not be larger, and no other flag may fly above the flag of the United States. The U.S. Flag Code is silent as to mandating or restricting the number of flags displayed from a single pole. In making that determination a great deal would depend upon the height of the pole, the size of the flags, and the visual proportional appearance when multiple flags are displayed on the same pole.

May an unserviceable flag be reused or recycled?

All Legion posts should follow the practice of removing flags from veterans’ graves as soon as possible after Memorial Day.

How are unserviceable flags destroyed?

The Code suggests that, “when a flag has served its useful purpose, it should be destroyed, preferably by burning.” For individual citizens this should be done discreetly so that the act of destruction is not perceived as a protest or desecration. Many American Legion posts conduct Disposal of Unserviceable Flag Ceremonies on June 14, Flag Day, each year. This ceremony creates a particularly dignified and solemn occasion for the disposal of unserviceable flags.

Does the flag have to be destroyed if it touches the ground?

Care should be exercised in the handling of the flag, to protect it from becoming soiled or damaged. However, you are not required to destroy the flag if it touches the ground. As long as the flag remains suitable for display, even if washing or dry-cleaning (which is an acceptable practice) is required, the flag may continue to be displayed.

Can members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform render the military right hand salute when the flag is hoisted, lowered or is passing?

The law does allow members of the Armed Forces and veterans not in uniform to render the right hand salute, but does not mandate it. If you feel uncomfortable in any situation where the flag is being raised, lowered or is passing in review, the traditional right hand over the heart – with the hat removed – is still a viable and very respectful alternative. (Americanism Commission)

What should be the position of the flag when displayed from a staff in a church, public auditorium or other public meeting place, whether indoors or outdoors, on platform or on floor or ground level?

When used on a speaker’s platform, the flag, if displayed flat, should be displayed above and behind the speaker. When displayed from a staff in a church or public auditorium, the flag of the United States of America, should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the audience, and in the position of honor at the clergyman’s or speaker’s right as he faces the audience. Prior to the Flag Code changes in 1976, the display procedure was somewhat different. Now the staffed flag should always be placed to the right of the speaker without regard to a platform or floor level.

Is it proper to fly the flag of the United States at night?

The Flag Code states that it is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flag staffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed twenty-four hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.

What is considered proper illumination when flying the flag at night?

“Proper illumination” is a light specifically placed to illuminate the flag (preferred) or having a light source sufficient to illuminate the flag so it is recognizable as such by the casual observer (Americanism Commission)

May a Legion post display the flag twenty-four hours a day and during all kinds of weather without regard to illuminating the flag or using an all-weather flag?

American Legion posts are to be guided by the same provisions of the Flag Code as are civilian displays. The National Americanism Commission, in fact, encourages Legion posts to take special care to adhere to these provisions as a proper example for the community. (Americanism Commission)

Is it permissible to fly the flag of the United States during inclement weather?

The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is displayed. (All-weather – nylon, synthetic, or other non-absorbent material)

Is the flag to be displayed only on National holidays?

The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is displayed. (All-weather – nylon, synthetic, or other non-absorbent material)

Is the Government required to fly the flag every day?

The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is displayed. (All-weather – nylon, synthetic, or other non-absorbent material)

Is it permissible to display another flag or pennant above the flag of the United States?

No, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy.

What is the United States Navy church pennant?

The church pennant consists of a blue Latin cross or a blue Star of David on a white background. It is entirely nonsectarian and is flown as a signal that church services are in progress. (U.S. Navy)

What governs displaying the flag of the United States in connection with the flag of the United Nations or other national or international flags?

No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other nation or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence of honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence and honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations. This particular section of the Code can be confusing if not read carefully. First the term “national or international flag equal” refers to the flags of other nations, it does not imply the flags cannot be flown at the same height. If it did, then it would be in conflict with international rules which forbid the display of the flag of one nation higher than another in time of peace. Secondly, “or in place of” does not take away the right of an individual to display the flag of another country on his/her own property.

What is meant by the flag’s own right?

The “right” as the position of honor developed from the time when the “right hand” was the “weapon hand” or “point of danger.” The right hand raised without weapon was a sign of peace. The right hand, to any observer, is the observer’s left. Therefore, as used in the Flag Code, the flag and/or blue field is displayed to the left of the observer, which is the flag’s “own right.”

What is the proper placement of two or more United States flags in a church or auditorium?

Regardless of the number of United States flags, each would be displayed in accordance with Flag Code provisions. For most functions more than one flag is unnecessary. For a patriotic display as a show of color, the flags may be displayed as common sense and good taste would dictate.

When is the United States flag to be displayed?

The flag should be displayed on all days, especially on all Federal holidays; and on State holidays.

Is it proper for a Legion post to lower the United States flag to “half-staff” to honor a deceased member of the post?

No. The lowering of the flag is only authorized on Memorial Day, from sunrise until noon, and by executive order of the President, or State Governor. If it is so desired, the organizational flag may be lowered for this purpose. (Americanism Commission)

What happens to the State flag when the flag of the United States is half-staffed?

The State flag or any other flag or pennant in a display is lowered or removed when the flag is at half-staff. As indicated in the Flag Code, no flag or pennant should be placed above the flag of the United States.

Is the flag to be half-staffed for National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (December 7th), and Patriot’s Day (September 11)?

In accordance with U.S. Code, Title 36, Chapter 1, the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation to display the flag at half-staff for the entire day.

When should the flag be at half-staff?

(a) The flag is half-staffed on Memorial Day, from sunrise until noon; it is displayed at full-staff from noon until sunset.

(b) By order of the President of the United States, or by the Governor of any State, territory or possession. On occasion, heads of several departments and agencies of the U.S. Government may direct the flag to half-staff if deemed proper to do so.

What is the significance of displaying the flag at half-staff?

This gesture is a sign to indicate the nation or state mourns the death of an individual(s). (Naval and Military Custom)

Can the mayor order the flag to be half-staffed?

No, only the President of the United States or the Governor of your State may order the flag to be half-staffed.

Those individuals and agencies that usurp authority and display the flag at half-staff on inappropriate occasions are quickly eroding the honor and reverence accorded this solemn act.

Can a 48-star flag be displayed?

Even though the fifty-star flag is authorized, no law or provisions of the Flag Code prohibits the use or display of any previously authorized flag of the United States.

In what order should the flags of the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces be displayed?

The order of march and order display from left to right is the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard.

What is the custom of the twenty-one-gun salute?

The custom of gun salutes began in the 14th century on the high seas with the salute by cannon. During that time, warships fired a seven-gun salute, probably selected for either its astrological or Biblical significance. Warships would also show their peaceful intentions when nearing a friendly port by disarming themselves (emptying their guns) and friendly shore batteries did the same. This then evolved from a meaningful gesture to a ritual salute, the shore batteries took to answering each gun of a warship with three shore salutes. Early British warships had seven guns to empty, when each was answered by three shore salutes that came to twenty-one.

By 1875, the twenty-one-gun salute was established as the international salute, with the United States adopting the practice on August 18, 1875.

The twenty-one gun salute is fired in honor of a national flag, the head of state of a foreign nation, a member of a royal family, and the president, ex-president, and/or president elect of the United States. It is also fired at noon on the day of the funeral of the president, ex-president, or president-elect of the United States.

How is a flag decal to be displayed on a motor vehicle?

Unfortunately, the Flag Code does not offer much in terms of clear and concise guidance. There are two schools of thought with regards to the display of a flag decal on an automobile.

First, when a person is walking forward with a staffed flag “aloft and free” the blue union would be forward. So one can argue that the blue field of the flag decal would face forward when placed on the side of the automobile. This is the preferred method.

However, the same methodology from reading Flag Code section 7(i) with regards to the display of the flag from a wall can also be applied, namely that the blue union would be in the upper left hand corner (observer’s).

Either display technically would be correct.

Can the flag be repaired or mended?

There are no provisions of the Flag Code which prohibit the sewing or repairing the flag. We do caution that if material is removed, the flag may no longer conform to the size proportions, as specified in Executive Order 10834.

Is it correct to say that certain stars in the blue field represent certain States?

While there is no legal or other authority for saying that any particular star in the blue union of the flag represents any particular state, many people feel it is natural and logical to consider, or assume that the first star represents the first state admitted into the Union (or rather, that ratified the Constitution) and that the last star represents the last State admitted. So from the upper left-hand corner, reading from left to right, top to bottom row would represent the various States in order of their admission into the Union.

Can the flag be washed or dry-cleaned?

Yes. There are no provisions of the Flag Code which prohibit such care. The decision to wash or dry-clean would be dependent on the material. (Americanism Commission)

How are changes in the Flag Code made?

Since the Flag Code is Public Law, it may be changed by the passage of appropriate legislation in Congress, or, as provided in the law itself, by proclamation of the President.

What do the colors of the flag mean?

According to custom and tradition, white signifies purity and innocence; red, hardiness and valor; and blue signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

What are the exact shades of the colors blue and red?

The exact shades of blue and red are numbers 80075 and 80180 in the Standard Color Card of America published by the Color Association of the United States. In the Pantone system the colors are: Blue PMS 282 and Red PMS 193. The RGB numbers are: #002868 (blue) and #BF0A30 (red).

What size flag is appropriate to be displayed from a flagpole?

The Flag Code is silent with regards to the size flag that is appropriate for different sizes of flagpoles. The rule of thumb which has been passed down through tradition and custom is the fly of the flag should be approximately one-fourth the height of 
the pole.

Are there any specifications regarding the flag pole or flag pole toppings?

The Flag Code is silent in regard to the makeup, size, and structure of the flagpole. The flagstaff topping ornaments are also not subject to any restrictions under the code. As with many of the traditions and customs associated with the display of the flag, the standard flagstaff topping ornaments in common use come from the assortment allowed by military regulations. These include the eagle, acorn, gilt lance, ball, gilt star (Navy), spear, or flat truck (Navy). Most commonly used and encountered is the eagle.

What is the significance of the gold fringe which we see on some United States flags?

Records indicate that fringe was first used on the flag as early as 1835. It was not until 1895 that it was officially added to the national flag for all regiments of the Army. For civilian use, fringe is not required as an integral part of the flag, nor can its use be said to constitute an unauthorized addition to the design prescribed by statute. It is considered that fringe is used as an honorable enrichment only. (Military tradition)

The courts have deemed without merit and frivolous, lawsuits that contend that the gold fringe adorning the flag conferred Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction.

What is the correct way to wear a flag patch on an American Legion uniform?

By resolution, the flag patch, when placed on an American Legion uniform, may be placed at the shoulder of either sleeve as long as the blue field is forward. Additionally, no emblem, name or patch shall be worn above the flag patch on the same sleeve. The decision as to the sleeve on which the patch is to be worn is left to the judgment of the individual, post or color guard involved. This proviso pertains only to the uniform of The American Legion. (NEC Resolution 38, May 1986)

The provisions of the Flag Code do not specify how the flag patch is to be worn, any other organizations may apply the flag patch as they deem appropriate. This includes members of the military, fire, police, or patriotic organizations.

How shall Legionnaires in uniform conduct themselves at the graveside?

At the graveside the cap should be held in the right hand over the left breast during the entire service. In cold and inclement weather the cap should not be doffed. (Officer’s Guide)

During a funeral in which the casket is draped with a United States flag, what is proper conduct?

Not specifically covered by the Flag Code, the following is generally acceptable out of respect to the deceased and reverence to the flag. Mourners should stand at attention and hold the headdress over the left breast at any time the casket is being moved by the pallbearers and during the service at the grave, including the firing of volleys and the sounding of Taps. During prayer they will also bow their heads. In cold or inclement weather, they will remain covered. Those in uniform render the military salute when the casket is being moved by the pallbearers and during the firing of volleys and the sounding of Taps. (Americanism Commission)

May a person, other than a veteran have their casket draped with a United States flag?

Yes, although this honor is usually reserved for veterans or highly regarded State and National figures, the Flag Code does not prohibit this use. (Americanism Commission)

Is it permissible to wear an item of clothing that looks like the United States flag?

Unless an article of clothing is made from an actual United States flag, there is NO breach of flag etiquette whatsoever. People are simply expressing their patriotism and love of country by wearing an article of clothing that happens to be red, white, and blue with stars and stripes. There is nothing illegal about the wearing or use of these items.

What should be the position of the flag of the United States when displayed from a staff in a meeting place of an American Legion post?

In compliance with American Legion policy, the United States flag and post flag, when in position, should be in position at either side and just in advance of the Commander’s station; the United States flag on the right of the Commander, and post Colors on his left when facing the audience, regardless of whether the Commander is on a platform or on ground level and the flags are posted on another level.

What is the definition of the flag?

In 1989 Congress agreed that term “flag of the United States” means any flag of the United States, or any part thereof, made of any substance, of any size, in a form commonly displayed. That makes it pretty clear we are not talking about articles of clothing that happen to be red, white and blue, have stars and stripes and may resemble the flag. It also makes it clear that we are not talking about digitized or other “images” of the flag.

What is the order of display of the flags of the other nations?

Accepted practice is to place the flags of other nations in alphabetical order after the United States flag.

Is it proper to use a set of desk flags in lieu of staffed flags for Legion meetings?

While not inappropriate, the National Americanism Commission strongly recommends, whenever possible, the use of staffed flags, properly presented, for all meetings of The American Legion. (Americanism Commission)

How is the flag to be displayed on a fully open or half open casket?

When a casket is fully open (full couch), common sense suggests that the flag be folded in the traditional triangular method, placed in the casket cap above the left shoulder of the deceased.

On a half open (half couch) casket, the flag is arranged in three layers of ten inch folds to cover the closed half of the casket. The blue field will be the top layer on the deceased’s left.

Accepted patriotic practice suggests that when the military service includes cremated remains that the flag be folded in the traditional triangular method and be placed next to the urn.

May a casket flag be used for any proper display purpose?

A flag that has been used to cover a casket can be used for any proper display purpose. There are no provisions in the Flag Code to suggest otherwise.

What is the history of the three rifle volley during a military funeral?

The three rifle volley consists of no less than three and no more than seven rifles firing three volleys in memory of the fallen. The original history comes from the Roman era that at the end of the day of battle when the field of battle was cleared, if the soldier removing the slain soldier knew the name of the soldier, then they would call his name three times into the night as a form of remembering their sacrifice.

Is there a specific version of the National Anthem which must be played?

No. The American Legion recommends however, that the National Anthem subtitled “Service Version” written in the key of A-flat be utilized for general mass singing by adults and for band, or other instrumental performances.

Are rock versions of the National Anthem appropriate?

Although not a violation of any prescribed law, The American Legion is opposed to these renditions and encourages the use of the “Service Version” played and sung in a traditional manner.

Is it necessary for a person to stand and salute when the National Anthem is sung?

The Flag Code states that during rendition of the National Anthem, those present should stand and render the proper salute. Rendition includes singing.

Is it proper to stand when “America,” “God Bless America,” “The Red, White and Blue” and other such patriotic songs are played?

It is not required. However, on occasions when patriotic enthusiasm runs high, it is common practice. (Americanism Commission)

Is it appropriate to sing the National Anthem while saluting the flag?

Yes, it is appropriate to sing the National Anthem while saluting the flag; however, since it may be somewhat awkward, unnatural and incongruous to render the military salute while singing, it is permissible to remove the cap with the right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. It is noted that this section pertaining to the National Anthem does not contain the “remain silent” clause associated with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” (Americanism Commission)

What is the order when playing the National Anthems of other countries with the Star-Spangled Banner?

Accepted practice and common sense calls for the visitor or guest to be honored first followed by the host when the National Anthems of various nations are played.

What is the acceptable practice after the playing or singing of the National Anthem?

The Flag Code is silent as to conduct after the National Anthem has been sung or played. It is perfectly acceptable and common practice to applaud or cheer upon the completion of the playing or singing of the National Anthem.

Can members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform when the National Anthem is played?


Wearing a Legion cap, is it proper to render the military salute while reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance?”

No. If a person in uniform renders a military salute during the “Pledge” they are to “remain silent.”

If everyone at our Legion meeting is wearing a Legion cap, how is it possible for us to “Pledge Allegiance” to our country, given the answer to the above question?

The National Americanism Commission has deemed it appropriate for Legionnaires to come out of uniform (uncover), placing the cap and right hand over the heart, and reciting the “Pledge.” To do otherwise would be a violation of Flag Code revisions or regulations of The American Legion. (Americanism Commission)

Is it proper for female Legionnaires (cap or complete uniform) to remove their Legion caps during the “Pledge of Allegiance,” National Anthem and during prayer?

Since it may be inconvenient for female Legionnaires to remove their caps, it is permissible to conduct themselves as if they were not wearing a cap, i.e., place the right hand over the heart to recite the Pledge and during the National Anthem, and stand in proper manner during prayer. Should she elect to render the military salute during the Pledge, she must “remain silent.” (Americanism Commission)

Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance?

The original Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy. It was first given wide publicity through the official program of the National Public Schools Celebration of Columbus Day which was printed in The Youth’s Companion of September 8, 1892, and at the same time sent out in leaflet form to schools throughout the country.

School children first recited the Pledge of Allegiance this way: “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

“The flag of the United States” replaced the words “my Flag” in 1923 because some foreign-born people might have in mind the flag of the country of their birth instead of the United States flag. A year later, “of America” was added after “United States.”

No form of the Pledge received official recognition by Congress until June 22, 1942, when the Pledge was formally included in the U.S. Flag Code. The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The last change in language came on Flag Day 1954, when Congress passed a law, which added the words “under God” after “one nation.”

Can the Pledge of Allegiance be recited without the flag being present?

The flag should be present, however, when situations dictate that it is not present, it would still be appropriate to recite the Pledge. Simply stand and place the right hand over the heart and face towards the person leading in the recitation of the Pledge or to where the flag would normally be placed.