January 26, 2019

American Legion TFA applications will resume normal process

By The American Legion
Financial Assistance
American Legion TFA applications will resume normal process
U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Matthew S. Masaschi.

Now that the federal government is open, the expedited American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance application for Coast Guard families is discontinued.

Now that President Trump has signed a bill to reopen the federal government until at least Feb. 15, the U.S. Coast Guard will receive its back pay and a regular paycheck next week. As a result,the processing of expedited American LegionTemporary Financial Assistance (TFA) applications for active duty Coast Guard members with minor children in the home has been discontinued at this time.

The American Legion is returning to the normal application and processing procedures for those seeking TFA support, which is available for the minor children of active duty servicemembers or current members of The American Legion. Those seeking support should contact their local American Legion post or department headquarters to apply for a TFA grant. For more information on how to apply, please visit www.legion.org/financialassistance.

The American Legion National Headquarters extends an appreciation to Legion departments and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance for working with the national organization to assist the children of active duty Coast Guard members during their recent financial crisis from the government shutdown.

  • Financial Assistance