April 20, 2011

NEF steps in to assist storm victims

By James V. Carroll
NEF steps in to assist storm victims
NEF steps in to assist storm victims

Legionnaires and Sons of the American Legion may be eligible for financial assistance through the Legion’s National Emergency Fund.

Recent storms raging across the country have caused millions of dollars of damage and countless suffering. During these difficult times, Legionnaires and Sons of the American Legion may be eligible for financial assistance through the Legion’s National Emergency Fund (NEF).

Eligible members may receive up to $1,500 and Legion posts may apply for up to $5,000 in emergency assistance. Applicants must have been displaced from their primary residence due to a declared natural disaster and provide proof of out-of-pocket expenses, including, but not limited to, temporary housing, food, water and clothing.

The NEF is not intended to replace or repair items, or cover losses to equipment or vehicles. It does not cover insurance compensation or monetary losses from a business or structures on property such as barns, tools or sheds.

American Legion or Sons of The American Legion membership must be active at time of disaster and the time of application.

Detailed information and an application for NEF assistance may be downloaded by clicking here. For more information, call customer service at (800) 433-3318.

  • Emergency