The $5 national dues increase will take effect July 1, 2024, for the 2025 membership year.
The American Legion’s last national per-capita dues will increase from $18.50 to $23.50 for the 2025 membership year. The $5 increase will go into effect July 1, 2024.
American Legion posts are encouraged to complete a post data report in as quickly as possible to increase your post dues rate, if needed. An early submission will ensure enough time for processing.
And posts should check with their respective department about their per capita dues as well.
The due increase comes at a time when the need for American Legion advocacy, expertise, influence, services and programs are needed in every corner of our nation. And because of the current membership standings and economy. This is a time to continue supporting The American Legion’s ability to serve veterans, members of the U.S. armed forces and young people. A national $5 per-capita dues increase can prevent National Headquarters from having to cut programs and services. The American Legion’s ability to succeed over the next decade depends on positive cash flow and the ability to invest in the future.
American Legion Membership & Post Activities Committee Chairman Matt Jabaut provides the following answers about what posts should know regarding the due increase:
Q: What should posts know about the dues increase?
Jabaut: Posts should really take a look at their current dues and adjust for the coming national per cap increase but also reach out to thier department to see if there is or will be an increase in department per capita as well. This will allow them to make sure they are making the right decisions to support their posts and not have them go upside down. We also need to make sure that we are showing and providing the value of membership. Posts should also make sure that they complete the Post Data Report with new dues amounts and any other updates turned in on time so that the change will not impact their online renewals.
Q: What if a post is upside down?
Jabaut: Posts that may find the selves upside down when the per capita dues of national and department combined are more then their current post dues, should look at if that is sustainable for their post or if an increase to post dues is needed and when. Some posts may have other sources of revenue and may not rely on dues exclusivly or even as a major part of their budget, but those posts should look and make sure that any deficeits in dues money does not impact the programs and services that their posts provide
- Dispatch