On April 29, posts are encouraged to open their doors to members of their community for the day to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of the Legion Family and to promote Be the One.
The National Executive Committee passed Resolution No. 7, American Legion Family Day at its Fall Meeting in October 2022. The resolution established an American Legion Family Day to be observed annually on the last Saturday of April.
This year for Legion Family Day on April 29, posts are encouraged to open their doors to members of their community for the day to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of Legionnaires, Sons of The American Legion members, Legion Riders and American Legion Auxiliary, and to bring awareness to the organization’s “Be the One” initiative to reduce the rate of veteran suicide.
“Tell them about our Be the One campaign and our efforts to de-stigmatize the courageous decision to seek mental wellness,” National Commander Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola said. “Too many veterans take their lives while feeling isolated and alone. Some have no close relatives to whom they can reach out. It is a mistake for them to believe they have no family. Whether they know it or not, they have an American Legion Family.”
At your Legion Family event have an information table with Be the One resources that include a press release, brochures, posters, wallet cards, branding materials and more. Visit betheone.org for more information.
If you are planning a Legion Family Day event April 29, or a separate Be the One event, please share with national at legiontown.org.
- Dispatch