November 07, 2021

Membership renewal challenge

By Jay Bowen, Membership & Post Activities chairman
Membership renewal challenge
Membership renewal challenge

Reach out to members who have not renewed for 2022. Show advantages for renewing and three easy ways to do so.

To department, district, county and post leaders,

First and foremost, I want to thank you for your support of our veterans, their families and our youth. You have taken on a serious responsibility to lead, guide and direct our organization to ensure we are able to work our programs under the four pillars that make our communities better.

It has been said many times that membership is the lifeblood of The American Legion! This statement is as true today as it was more than 100 years ago when our forefathers met in Paris and the largest and greatest veterans service organization was born. I am asking you to take an active leadership role and engage your members and show them the value of being a member of this great organization.

National Commander Paul E. Dillard has challenged all of us to attain at least a 90 percent retention rate. Please reach out to your members. If they have renewed their membership for 2022, thank them for their continued support.

If they have not renewed, ask them why. Then let them know that we need their commitment to help us continue supporting our veterans and programs. And share with them the following advantages for renewing their membership now.

• No more renewal notices will be sent reminding them to renew. The money that National Headquarters saves by not sending renewal notices can be used to help a veteran in need and to continue supporting our great programs.

• Their membership is NOT cut short by renewing now. Their membership will still be active through the end of December 2022.

• Their American Legion Magazine subscription will not lapse.

• Continued use of member-only discounts.

• Continued eligibility for American Legion programs such as the National Emergency Fund.

There are several other advantages to renewing now and you are encouraged to add to the above list when asking your members to renew.

What are the disadvantages to renewing now? NONE!

Please reach out to your members and encourage them to send in their renewal right away. And let them know they can easily renew one of three ways:

1. Sending in the renewal notice to their post with a check, money order or cash.

2. Visiting 3. Signing in to their account (if they have registered for one). A “Renew Now” button will appear at the top right-hand page.

If they can’t find their renewal notice or membership number, they can contact their post or department to look it up. Remind them that they can mail in their renewal without the notice. All they need to do is send their dues with their full name and membership ID number.

Make it simple and easy for your members to renew.

Please help us continue our work so we can ensure that we are following National Commander Dillard’s message of “No Veteran Left Behind.”

Ask your members to renew now and let’s show our national commander that we are going to reach our retention goal of 90 percent.

Thanks in advance for your support and work to reach and exceed the 90 percent renewal challenge.

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