May 10, 2021

American Legion news: No. 48 INDYCAR and Training Tuesday

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American Legion news: No. 48 INDYCAR and Training Tuesday
American Legion news: No. 48 INDYCAR and Training Tuesday

Next Training Tuesday is May 25; download a poster with the American Legion-sponsored 48 INDYCAR.

The new National World War I Memorial is now open to the public. The most transformative of the four major U.S. wars of the 20th century, World War I is the last to be recognized with a national memorial in Washington, D.C. Located on Pennsylvania Avenue, a block southeast of the White House, the site honors the 4.7 million people who served: men, women, citizens, immigrants, African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos and others. Visit for more information. The

Training Tuesday session this month will be on May 25 at 7 p.m. EDT. The topic of discussion and a link to attend the training through Microsoft Teams will be available on the Training Tuesday web page at The 100 percent membership target date is June 9. And delegate strength is July 30. These changes were made in April due to some workflow issues. The Department Commander of the Year Award qualification date is now the 100 percent target date, June 9.

Download a poster/flyer with the American Legion-sponsored 48 INDYCAR and its drivers Jimmie Johnson and Tony Kanaan to keep up with the action and promote the competition in your community. Download the poster here.

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