September 09, 2019

Recruit three new members for National Commander Oxford's pin

By The American Legion
  • Dispatch

“A Foundation for the Future” membership excellence pin

American Legion National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford will award his national commander “A Foundation for the Future” membership excellence pin to any Legionnaire who obtains three new members into The American Legion.

A new member is any eligible person joining for the 2020 membership year who was not a member of The American Legion during the 2019 membership year.
Each member listed must be eligible for membership in The American Legion. Forward names of Sons of The American Legion members or Auxiliary members to your detachment or unit for use in their respective incentive programs.

Only one pin will be awarded per individual. Upon receipt, national membership staff will confirm the names and mail the pin directly to the person who earned it.
Download the incentive pin form online at

  • Dispatch