To help your post and department attain 100-percent reporting, Legionnaire Tammy Hamilton has passed along a volunteer tracking form that she created to help her post officers collect the required info she needs to complete a CPR.
Only 57 percent of American Legion posts submitted their Consolidated Post Reports (CPR) for the 2012-2013 year, resulting in only 10 departments achieving 100-percent reporting. I want to see 100 percent reporting from all 55 departments.
As I have said before, the job is not done until the paperwork is filed — I will reinforce this message as I travel to departments this year. You can easily fill out and submit CPR forms online at; the forms are located under "Post and Department" options.
To help your post and department attain 100-percent reporting, Legionnaire Tammy Hamilton has passed along a volunteer tracking form that she created to help her post officers collect the required info she needs to complete a CPR.
Hamilton, commander of Post 288 in Coinjock, N.C., gives every officer in the post a copy of the volunteer tracking form, and they are required to submit a completed form at monthly post meetings. "This has allowed me to compile the information throughout the year, and it’s made it so much easier for me to complete the CPR online at the end of the year," Hamilton said.
Download Hamilton’s volunteer tracking form here.
- Dispatch